To provide an additional forum of interaction and communication between and among legal professionals in the Asia Pacific region;     

To promote the legal professionals’ knowledge and understanding of the laws and legal practices in the Asia Pacific region;
To engage in any activities and consider any matters of interest and concern of the legal professional in the Asia Pacific region.
**** 公開聲明 ****   

 亞太法律協會(ASIA PACIFIC LAW ASSOCIATION,下稱本會)茲就LAWASIA早前發表之聲明,稱關注香港警方國安處通緝八名人士,並關注香港兩個律師會對被通緝人士啟動相關調查程序,特此作出以下聲明,以正視聽:
1 本會對本港有媒體及個人,將LAWASIA之中文名稱,誤譯為「亞太法律協會」(簡稱亞太律協),與本會之註冊名稱混淆,作出澄清。本會與總部設於澳洲之LAWASIA,絕無任何關連。
2 LAWASIA 並無任何官方中文名稱。對於以往香港有人以「亞太法律協會」作為LAWASIA之非正式中文譯名,本會曾因而致函向LAWASIA抗議,並獲該會發出致歉信。本會保留向任何故意混淆或誤用本會名稱者,作出法律追究的權利。
3 本會為總部設在中國香港,面向亞太地區的法律專業組織,於2001年在香港成立,由海峽兩岸關係協會(海協會)前會長汪道涵先生提議成立。本會幹事主要由香港律師、大律師組成,大部分都曾接受過香港普通法、基本法及中國內地大陸法系的培訓,屬於愛國愛港的香港法律界協會。
4 對於總部設於澳洲之LAWASIA,發表聲明公然抹黑香港國安法、攻擊行政長官,並公然替被特區政府通緝人士開脫、干涉香港刑事檢控工作、破壞香港司法獨立之行為,本會堅決反對,並予以強烈譴責!
亞太法律協會會長 鄺家賢 謹啟
文匯網 亞太律協譴責LAWASIA抹黑港國安法
大公報 LAWASIA抹黑國安法 亞太法律協會強烈譴責
The Law Society of Hong Kong Letter to Asia Pacific Law Association (11 August 2023)

Chairman of Asia Pacific Law Association, Ms. Phyllis Kwong, is very honoured to have met the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, the Honourable Mr. John Lee Ka-chiu, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, and his wife, Lady Janet Lee Lam Lai-sim at the National Day Reception held on 1 October 2022.

[Asia Pacific Law Association Interview Series]
Patriots administering Hong Kong Improve Electoral System

  APLA - Hong Kong's National Security Law   
  Asia Pacific Law Association Webinar - Video
   Click image to show all photos

Rules of amending the measures for the administration of Representative Offices set up by Law Firms of the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions in the Mainland promulgated by the Ministry of Justice
Measures for the Management of Associations formed by Law Firms of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Macao Special Administrative Region with Mainland Law Firms
Rules on Entering for the National Judiciary Examination for Residents of the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions
>> more
【Asia Pacific Law Association Interview Series】 Patriots administering Hong Kong Improve Electoral System
APLA Press Release(2020-07-08)
APLA Press Release(2020-07-03)
Asia Pacific Law Association : Hong Kong’s National Security Law
Asia Pacific Law Association Webinar: In-depth Discussion on Hong Kong’s National Security Law(2020-06-13)
APLA “Occupy Central Incient” Cases Analysis Reports Press Conference and Discussion Forum——Press reports(2016-03-31)
APLA “Occupy Central Incient” Cases Analysis Reports——Press Conference and Discussion Forum
As the guest of the "Decoding the Current Affairs" show of Phoenix TV, Ms.Kwong discussed the impact of the "occupying action" on the public and how to pursue legal claim on the loss or damages resulted from the "occupying action"(2)
As the guest of the "Decoding the Current Affairs" show of Phoenix TV, Ms.Kwong discussed the impact of the "occupying action" on the public and how to pursue legal claim on the loss or damages resulted from the "occupying action"(1)
APLA made an announcement of providing legal assistance to citizens who suffered loss or damages as a result of the “Occupying Movement”.( 13th October2014)
The Occupying Action is NOT a civil disobedience campaign. (Interview with Phyllis K.Y.Kwong)
The Revelation of Colour Revolution Ⅰ
The Revelation of Colour Revolution Ⅱ
The Revelation of Colour Revolution Ⅲ
Declaration for Boycotting the '6.22' Fake Referendum
Forum on "Whether and how Hong Kong should establish the National Security Law of PRC(Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law)"
Seminar on "the Roles of Hong Kong Youth in Constitutional Development"
Seminar on "The Constitutional Development of Hong Kong and the 'Occupy Central' Movements"
>> more

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