|  | Lecture: Reform in China and the route of judicial development discussion on Property Rights Law (1st, April 2006) Despite the rapid development of the legal system of our country in the past 20 years, it is observed that interference to freedom of speech and publishing still exists, resulting in abuse of the interest of the public during land requisition, demolition and relocation of buildings, and reform of corporate governance. How far is China away from being a society of rule of law? What are the underlying difficulties in the reform and development of the Chinese legal system? The history of drafting of “Property Law” can be traced back to ten years ago. However, the draft by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee was not put into the agenda of the Forth Meeting of the Tenth National People’s Congress. The Asia Pacific Law Association (APLA) invited Professor Jiang Ping to share his experience in legislation and to discuss the summarized content and the gist of “Property Law” with participants in the conference. Professor Jiang Ping had served an the president of the University of Politics and Law, a member of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, the Vice-director of Legal Committee and the chief draftsman of the “Civil Code of the People's Republic of China”, “Contract Law”, “Company Law” and “Property Law”. Professor Jiang Ping is also the Honorary Chairman of the Asia Pacific Law Association. | |  |  |  | Professor Jiang Ping delivering a speech. | | | Participants concentrated in listening to the speech | |  | | |  | |  | Front row (right to left): Ms Kwong Ka Yin, Phyllis (Chairman, APLA); Mr Chen Hong Yi, Albert (Honorary Consultant, APLA, and Hong Kong member of the Basic Law Committee); Second row (right to left): Ms Lau Kwai Wa, Selina (Secretary of Public Affairs, APLA); Mr Wu Kin Ng, Paul (Executive Committee Member, APLA); Mr Chang Khen Lee, Denis, SC. | | | Mr An Feng Lian asking a question in the Q & A section. | |  | | |  | |  | Front row (left to right): Mr Liu Yi Jie, (Honorary Consultant, APLA, Chairman of China Legal Service (H.K.) Ltd); Mr Chen Hong Yi, Albert; Mr Chang Khen Lee, Denis, SC; Professor Jiang Ping; Doctor Hu Hung-lick, Henry (Honorary Chairman, APLA); Mr Tsoi Pui Yuen (Director, General of Education Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong); Back row (left to right): Mr Shea Ying Fai (Honorary External Affairs Secretary, APLA); Mr Bai Tao; Ms Kwong Ka Yin, Phyllis; Mr Kwan Wai Ming, Anthony (Vice-Chairman, APLA); Ms Cheung Ling, Linda; Ms Ms Lau Kwai Wa, Selina; | | | Front row (left to right): Ms Leung Chao Young, Peggy; Ms Cheung Siu Wai, Feliciana; Mr Wong King; Mr Kwok Nga Chun, Alexander. | |  | | |  | |  | Front row (left to right): Mr An Feng Lian; Ms Sun Lee Ko, Lydia; Mr Liu Chin Yu; Mr Wu Kin Ng, Paul; Mr Chin Win Chak, Vincent. | | | Left to right: Mr Kwan Wai Ming, Anthony; Mr Liu Yi Jie; Mr Shea Ying Fai; Ms Kwong Ka Yin, Phyllis. | |  | | |  | | | Executive Committee Members, Law Association of the University of Hong Kong. | | | | | | | |