|  | Beijing Mission of APLA (7-9 September 2003) Following the signing of the CEPA by Premier Wen Jia Bao, the Mainland will grant preferential treatment in 18 sectors. The enforcement of CEPA will largely affect the co-operation and interaction between Hong Kong and Mainland enterprises. With a view to explore the opportunities brought about by CEPA and enhance the co-Asian TATnation between Hong Kong and Mainland legal professionals, the APLA organized a visit to Beijing to further the understanding in respect of the section concerning the legal professional in CEPA. Furthermore, the delegates exchanged ideas in relation to the prospect of development among Hong Kong and Mainland legal profession with the Mainland authority. | |  |  |  | Delegates meeting Ms Uyunqimg, Vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress, in the Hall of the People. (Left to right): Ms Kwong Ka Yin, Phyllis (Vice-president of the Delegation), Doctor Hu Hung-lick, Henry (President of the Delegation), Ms Uyunqimg (Vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress), Mr Xu Ze (Deputy director of the State Council’s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office) | | | Ms Kwong presenting the souvenirs to Ms Uyunqimg on behalf of the delegate | |  | | |  | |  | Delegate taking photo with Ms Uyunqimq in the Hall of the People First Row (Left to right): Ms Lau Kwai Wa, Selina; Ms Sun Lee Ko, Lydia; Ms Cheung Oi Man, Amelia; Ms Mo Wai Yin, Elizabeth; Dr Hu Hung-lick, Henry; Ms Uyunqimg; Ms Kwong Ka Yin, Phyllis; Mr. Chan Hung-Yuen, Robert; Mr Xu Ze; Mr Chu Zhi Nong (Director General of Education Science and Technology Department Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR) | | | Delegate taking photo outside the Hall of the People | |  | | |  | |  | Delegate visiting the Department of Justice, welcomed by Mr Fan Fang Ping (Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Justice) | | | Left to right: Ms Kwong Ka Yin, Phyllis; Dr Hu Hung-lick, Henry; Mr Fan Fang Ping | |  | | |  | |  | Mr Fan Fang Ping giving a speech | | | Ms Kwong Ka Yin, Phyllis giving a speech | |  | | |  | |  | Delegate visiting the State Council’s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, presenting souvenirs to Mr Xu Ze | | | Delegate taking photo with officials and scholars before the dinner meeting First row (Left to right): Ms Mo Wai Yin, Elizabeth; Mr Song Rui, (Assistant Officer, Foreign Affairs Department, All China Lawyers’ Association); Mr Yu Ning (Vice- Chairman, All-China Lawyers’ Association); Official of the State Council’s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office; Professor Xu Xian Ming (President of the University of Politics and Law); Dr Hu Hung-lick, Henry; Mr Fan Fang Ping (Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Justice); Mr Zhao Da Cheng (Notary Public Officer, Ministry of Justice); Mr Chu Zhi Nong (Director General of the Education, Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR); Professor Chang Xiu Ze, (Institute of Macroeconomic, National Development and Reform Commission); Professor Wang Chuan Li (University of Politics and Law); Professor Mo Shi Jian (University of Politics and Law) | | | | | |